File a Complaint

Complaint Process

  1. Complete the complaint form online and attach all corresponding documents. In the event that the online form cannot be completed, you can either mail or email to the Louisiana State Board of Home Inspectors at 5211 Essen Lane Suite 9, Baton Rouge LA 70809 or
  2. Once the complaint has been received the LSBHI will issue a Docket Number and process the complaint. If the complaint is not properly filled out it will be dismissed.  It is very important to make sure you specify the exact Standards of Practice, Code of Ethics or Law you allege were violated and attach a copy of the report. Home Inspector Licensing Law Chapter 17-A
  3. Both the complainant and the Home Inspector will be notified that a complaint has been filed.  The Home Inspector will also receive a copy of the complaint.
  4. The Home Inspector has fifteen (15) days to respond to the allegations in the complaint. 
  5. Once LSBHI receives the Home Inspectors response a Special Investigative Entity (SIE) is appointed. The SIE has thirty (30) days after completion of his/her investigation to render a report with his/her findings to the LSBHI.
  6. The LSBHI will then notify both parties of the SIE findings.  If a hearing is warranted both parties will be summoned by the Board to attend the next available Quarterly Board Meeting.
  7. The matter will then be heard before the Board at the Quarterly Board Meeting.
  8. Administrative hearings (complaints) are heard during the Louisiana State Board’s Quarterly Board meetings. (March, June, September and December)

Complaint Form

  • Complainant Information

  • Home Inspector Information

  • Administrative Rules require you to refer to specific violations of the Board’s Rules or the law which you believe the home inspector or other individual committed. These can be found on our website.  If the complaint involves items included in the Standards of Practice that the licensee did not observe or report, a list of those items must be submitted with the complaint. These Standards of Practice should have been provided to you at the time you received your inspection report. If not, please advise the Board of this. A copy may also be obtained from the Board’s website. Please note that if the specific violation committed by the Home Inspector is not referenced, the complaint will be dismissed.  (Example: Standard of Practice §313A.1 and Code of ethics§501.1) For a copy of the Standards of Practice please click here.

    Please describe, in detail, the complaint which you are hereby submitting the Board for review. Please be as detailed as possible. Please include the name and license number of the inspector, the date of inspection, the specific complaints you have with the inspection and the reasons for your complaint. Please submit with this form a copy of the home inspection report, and any and all substantiating evidence which you may have including photographs, estimates and/or receipts for repairs or further inspections, reports giving by other professionals (electricians, plumbers, etc.), and any other documentation which you would like the Board to consider in its review of  your complaint. If you are reporting a person performing home inspections without a license, please provide that person’s name, company name, address and telephone number. *Please note all materials supplied to our office will not be returned. It is strongly suggested that you retain the originals.

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Max. file size: 50 MB.
    Upload a zip file of all attachments relevant to your complaint.