If you are applying for an LSBHI Home Inspection License, you must be at least 18 years of age with a high school diploma or GED and you will also be required to:
- Apply to the Louisiana State Police for a criminal background check, pay all costs associated therewith and submit the results to the board. If you have any concerns about the results of your criminal background check, please contact the LSBHI prior to beginning any education program.
- Complete a minimum of 90 hours of education with an LSBHI approved Education Provider. After completing step 2, steps 3-6 can be done in any order.
- Pass NHIE Exam
- Complete 30 hours of pre-licensing platform training, as well as ten (10) live inspections with an approved in-field trainer
- Attend Report Writing Seminar given by LSBHI approved providers
- Obtain Insurance
- Apply with the LSBHI- This step must be done last. All licensing requirements must be completed within 36 months of commencement.
If you hold an active home inspector license in another state for at least one year, are in good standing, and can provide proof of Louisiana residency, you may be eligible for licensure in Louisiana under the Welcome Home Act. Please contact the Board office for more details.
1. Complete & Submit Background Check
Applicants must apply to the Louisiana State Police for a criminal background check, pay all costs associated therewith and submit the results to the board. Background checks expire 365 days after the date of issuance.
Mail the completed background check to the Louisiana State Board of Home Inspectors, 5211 Essen Lane, Suite 9, Baton Rouge LA 70809. If you wish to drop the background check off in person, please slide it under the door at the Essen Lane address. Be sure to include your email address and phone number with the paperwork.
Click Here For Background Check
Louisiana Applicant Processing System (LAPS)
The Louisiana Applicant Processing System (LAPS) provides a statewide network of fingerprint sites where applicants can submit digital fingerprints within their local communities. Applicants seeking a Right to Review their criminal history can schedule an appointment online, attend the appointment, pay for the service, and then receive their Right to Review criminal history report either via mail or email.
Directions for Scheduling an Appointment
Applicants seeking a Right to Review their criminal history can schedule an appointment online, attend the appointment, pay for the service, and then receive their Right to Review criminal history report either via mail or email.
Locate a Site for a Fingerprint Card
Because many government organizations (i.e. Department of Immigration) require physical copies of your fingerprints, many IdentoGO Centers offer the ability to digitally collect an applicant’s fingerprint images and then print them onto a standard fingerprint card (FD-258). Search for a site near you.
Right to Review Options:
Printed Copy Right to Review: This option queues the request in our system, and our staff will print a physical copy of the criminal history report and mail it to the requester. The printed report will be stamped “True Copy,” signed by one of our employees, and embossed with a raised state seal. This option meets the requirements of agencies, such as the Secretary of State, that need printed copies with raised seals. For Right to Review reports related to expungements, some agencies may require both the criminal history report and printed fingerprint cards. Printed fingerprint cards can be obtained separately from a local sheriff’s office, police department, or IdentoGO location. IdentoGO provides full fingerprinting services as part of a separate process at State Police Headquarters for an additional fee
Emailed Right to Review: This option delivers a secure link to an email, granting one-time access to the criminal history report. The report can then be printed. It will be marked “True Copy” at the top of the first page and the bottom of the last page, and will include a digital signature from one of our employees.
2. Complete Initial 90 Hours of Training
If you are applying for an LSBHI Home Inspector License, you must go through a minimum of 90 hours of education with an LSBHI approved Education Provider.
LSBHI Approved Education Providers:
American Home Inspectors Training Institute
American Inspection Academy
ATI – Home Inspector Training
Burk Baker School of Real Estate
Burk Baker School of Real Estate
Carson Dunlop & Associates LTD.
Donaldson Educational Services LLC
Inspection Certification Associates
National Property Inspections, Inc.
Pillar to Post Inc.
Precision School of Inspection
Precision School of Inspection
Professional Home Inspection Institute
World Inspection Network (WIN Home Inspection)
3. Pass NHIE Exam

The applicant must pass the National Home Inspectors Examination given by the Examination Board of Professional Home Inspectors (PSI Exam). The cost for the exam is $225. You are responsible for making arrangements to take the exam. For instructions on how to register for the exam please click here.
For more information about the National Home Inspector Examination, visit their website or email or call 1.847.298.7750
4. Complete In-Field Training
The Trainee must complete 30 hours of prelicensing platform training, as well as ten (10) live inspections with an approved in-field trainer.
LSBHI Approved In-Field Trainers:
Shane Alexander
Gordon Atwell
Gordon Atwell
Emily Beyer
Shawn Bernard
Shawn Bernard
Jesse Boudoin
Jesse Boudoin
Trevor Brady
Trevor Brady
Michael Burroughs
Joe Cook
Clayton Costanza
Clayton Costanza
Victor Daigle
Erik Harton
James Green
Paul Fortmayer
Paul Fortmayer
Bertrand Hasselbeck
Bertrand Hasselbeck
William Harris
Jason Hodges
Dennis Lochard
Roland McCormick
Roland McCormick
Thomas Kelting
Thomas Kelting
Brandon Mier
Brandon Mier
Nicholas Pearson
Nicholas Pearson
Jason Pepitone
Jason Pepitone
Ed Rowley
Aldo Russo
Louis Schaff
Gary Vallery
5. Report Writing Seminars / Standards Practice Review
As of January 1, 2007, all license applicants MUST attend the Standards of Practice and Report Writing Seminar before a Home Inspector License will be issued. Visit the calendar on the website for a list of scheduled classes. If there are no scheduled classes please check back as the calendar is updated daily. https://lsbhi.state.la.us/calendar/
6. Obtain Insurance
Licensed inspectors must also carry a minimum of $300,000 per year in Errors & Omissions with a maximum deductible of $5,000 and a minimum of $300,000 per year of General Liability Coverage with a maximum deductible of $5,000. The applicant must provide the Louisiana State Board of Home Inspectors a copy of the Certificate of Insurance at the time of applying. The LSBHI must be listed as the certificate holder.
- Inspector Pro Insurance Program
- PCIC, RRG Home Inspector Program Fort Baker Insurance Agency
- RISKPRO- 866-900-7475 ext. 120
- Organization of Real Estate Professionals (OREP)
- First Indemnity Insurance
- All Pro Coverage
- Any insurance provider licensed to provide insurance in Louisiana is acceptable.
- Property Inspectors – ALIA Riverton Insurance Agency Corp. (aliains.com)
7. Apply with LSBHI
$200 Application Fee
This fee is non-refundable. All licensing requirements must be completed with 36 months of commencement.
Reporting Fees
For every home inspection performed, you must remit to the LSBHI a $5 fee and must complete an Inspection Reporting Form at the end of each month with which to remit all fees due. As this $5 fee is a State mandated fee, this cost can be passed on to the client if you so choose, and you should inform the client of this.