Become a Wind Mitigation Surveyor
Please find the link to the rules for becoming a wind mitigation surveyor. Link:,%20Part%20VI%201-12).pdf
Pages 340 and 361
705. Third Party Providers B.
1. Exceptions
a. Wind mitigation surveyors shall carry at least $300,000 in professional liability insurance, please make sure that the LSUCCC 8181 Independence Blvd Baton Rouge, LA 70806 in the certificate holders box.
705. Third Party Providers
E. A wind mitigation surveyor classification of third party provider may specialize as a wind mitigation surveyor upon meeting the following qualifications:
1. possession of a home inspector license through the Louisiana State Board of Home Inspectors; and
2. possession of a certificate of completion for the 2006 IRC Hurricane Resistant Residential Construction Program, or other equivalent program approved by the LSUCCC.
The 2006 IRC Hurricane Resistant Residential Construction Program is no longer available. The LSUCCC has determined an ICC certification – Residential Building Inspector B1 is equal to that certificate.
Once you have obtained the necessary and required certifications, insurance, and licenses you can register on the OSFM IMS Website. IMS Website:
- Create a new user account.
- Then go to the Home page – click New/Initial registration, LSUCCC, Initial/New, “No”-you do not have a previous registration started, enter email address, name and once on the application click Wind Mitigation Surveyor.
- Proceed to fill out the application, attach all required documentation (COI showing PLI, HI License, ICC Certification), then submit the application for our review for approval. Note: On the last page of the application please make sure that you click I Agree, Submit and Ok for the application to move to our dashboard for Review.
For more information please contact:
Johanna Eddlemon
LSUCCC/Industrialized Buildings
Office of State Fire Marshal
8181 Independence Blvd
Baton Rouge, LA 70806